Assessing ATT transparency: State of affairs and ways forward
Improving the quantity and quality of ATT reporting is important for both the treaty itself and for the treaty’s objective of enhancing transparency of the global arms trade. ATT reporting compliance rates vary, and many States Parties continue to experience difficulties meeting their ATT reporting requirements. One of the identified reasons for a lack of compliance has been challenges with the existing reporting templates. The Working Group on Transparency and Reporting has as one of its priorities to improve the reporting templates. This side event will present and discuss ways in which the reporting templates can be improved, will launch the new Stimson Arms Trade Treaty-Baseline Assessment project (ATT-BAP) report, The ATT Reporting Templates: Challenges and Recommendations, and the Small Arms Survey 2019 Transparency Barometer to put ATT reporting into the larger context of arms trade transparency.
Mr. Paul Holtom, Small Arms Survey
Mr. Tom Nijs, Government of Flanders, Belgium; Co-Chair of the Working Group on
Transparency and Reporting
Ms. Sarah Parker, ATT Secretariat
Ms. Rachel Stohl, Stimson Center
A light lunch will be provided.