Improvised Explosive Devices in West Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Control
Friday 24 November 2023 | 13:00 - 15:00 CET
United Nations Office in Geneva, Building A, Room IX | Geneva, Switzerland
By presenting the findings of the report 'Out of Control: The Trafficking of IED Components and Commercial Explosives in West Africa' and eliciting perspectives from key stakeholders and affected states, the side event aims to catalyse a proactive dialogue that can underpin coordinated efforts among affected, source, and transit states while leveraging the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention framework to enhance understanding and mitigation of the impact of IEDs in the region.
Daniel de Torres - Director, Small Arms Survey
Ambassador Göbel - Permanent Representation of Germany to the Conference on Disarmament (Opening remarks)
Alizée Semon - Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of France to the Conference on Disarmament (Opening remarks)
David Lochhead - Lead author and former senior researcher, Small Arms Survey (Report presentation)
Samuel Yeboah - Executive Secretary, Ghana National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Josephine Dresner - Director of Policy and Strategic Partnerships, Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
Manon Blancafort - Project Assistant, Small Arms Survey
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