Launch of the Survey's Arms Embargo Self-Assessment Tool
Tuesday 30 May 2023 | 14:00-15:15 Geneva time/CEST | Webinar (registration link below)
Since 2019, the Small Arms Survey’s Strengthening Implementation and Enforcement of the Arms Embargo on North Korea (SAENK) project, with support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has worked with states to address challenges around the implementation and enforcement of UN sanctions on North Korea through sharing experiences and best practices around the application of UN sanctions regionally and nationally, and the development of helpful tools and resources.
The SAENK project is now launching the Arms Embargo Self-Assessment Tool (AE-SAT). Predicated on interagency cooperation as a crucial ingredient of effective sanctions, this tool can help states assess how they implement and enforce conventional arms embargoes mandated by the UN Security Council in general—but also in particular those against North Korea —and identify where assistance might be needed.
This webinar will introduce the online version of the AE-SAT and provide an introduction to its utility and overall structure. The webinar will also provide an overview of other SAENK resources.
Gian Giezendanner – Project Officer, Small Arms Survey
David Atwood – Consultant, Small Arms Survey
Check out the video of the event: