SANA Expert Briefings
The SANA Expert Briefings are a 5-part webinar series (plus a sixth concluding panel) that will take place on Tuesdays from 11 May until 22 June 2021 at 2 pm (CET). Each live webinar briefing will feature one of our SANA experts addressing contemporary security issues in North Africa and Sahel-Sahara region, and reflecting on the questions received from the audience. The webinars will focus on security-related issues in North and West Africa, Chad, Morocco, Libya, and Burkina Faso. Featured experts are David Lochhead, Jérôme Tubiana, Yasmina Abouzzohour, Jalel Harchaoui, and Mathieu Pellerin.
Sixth webinar: 22 June 2021 at 2pm (CET)
Topic: SANA Project Phase III Concluding Panel Discussion
Experts: Moncef Kartas, Rebecca Murray, and Hana Salama
Moderator: Alaa Tartir, Researcher and SANA Project Lead, Small Arms Survey
Language: English
Fifth webinar: 15 June 2021 at 2pm (CET)
Topic: Burkina Faso: Jihadist Groups and Regional Insecurity
Expert: Mathieu Pellerin
Moderator: Nicolas Florquin, Senior Researcher and Head of Data and Analytics, Small Arms Survey
Language: French
Fourth webinar: 8 June 2021 at 2pm (CET)
Topic: Assessing Morocco's Evolving Foreign Policy
Expert: Yasmina Abouzzohour
Moderator: Emilia Dungel, Communications Coordinator, Small Arms Survey
Language: English
Third webinar: 1 June 2021 at 2pm (CET)
Topic: Libya: Where Do We Stand and What Is Next?
Expert: Jalel Harchaoui
Moderator: Alaa Tartir, Researcher and SANA Project Lead, Small Arms Survey
Language: English
Second webinar: 18 May 2021 at 2pm (CET)
Topic: Post-Déby Chad: Local Dynamics, Regional Changes, and International Responses
Expert: Jérôme Tubiana, Independent Researcher and SANA Expert
Moderator: Alaa Tartir, Researcher and SANA Project Lead, Small Arms Survey
Language: English
First webinar: 11 May 2021 at 2pm (CET)
Topic: Weapons and Explosives in North and West Africa
Expert: David Lochead, Senior Researcher, Small Arms Survey
Moderator: Alaa Tartir, Researcher and SANA Project Lead, Small Arms Survey
Language: English