At Whose Risk? Understanding States Parties’ Implementation of Arms Trade Treaty Gender-based Violence Provisions
Thursday 28 April, 2022 - 16:30-17:45 CET | Webinar (registration link below)
The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) obliges states parties to conduct an assessment that considers the risk of exported conventional arms being used in serious acts of gender-based violence (GBV) before authorizing the export of such arms and their ammunition/munitions, parts, and components (UNGA, 2013, art. 7(4)). These assessments are carried out by export-licensing officers who are often operating with limited resources, lack clear guidelines, and do not have access to adequate evidence on which to base their work, including standardized and disaggregated data.
The Small Arms Survey will present the key findings of its latest publication At whose risk? Understanding States Parties’ Implementation of Arms Trade Treaty Gender-based Violence Provisions, which unpacks the GBV-related provisions of the ATT, considers various implementation guidance documents, looks at examples of states’ implementation of these provisions, and provides policy observations and entry points for overcoming the challenges of implementing art. 7.4.
Following the presentation, the panelist will discuss
- How the existing GBV evidence base could be strengthened to support arms export decision-making;
- How the ATT could also be a mechanism to support measures to address GBV such as domestic violence and intimate partner violence; and
- Possible measures to mitigate the use of exported conventional arms to commit or facilitate serious acts of GBV.
Introductory remarks
Felix Baumann, Ambassador, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
Daniel de Torres, Director Small Arms Survey
Presentation of the key findings of the study
Anne-Séverine Fabre, Associate Researcher, Small Arms Survey
Gian Giezendanner, Project Coordinator, Small Arms Survey
Panel discussion
Moderator: Callum Watson, Gender Coordinator, Small Arms Survey
Featured panelists
Vera Kissling, Deputy Head of Export Controls and Private Security Services Section, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
Cindy Ebbs, Senior Policy Advisor & Acting Co-Director , Control Arms
Allison Pytlak, Disarmament Programme Manager, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
The event is supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.