New HSBA Situation Update on Abyei
Despite many high-profile interventions, Abyei remains mired in a violent impasse. Conflict between the Ngok and Twic Dinka continues, and the territory’s political future remains in limbo.
Attacked from Both Sides: Abyei’s Existential Dilemma—a new Situation Update from the Small Arms Survey’s Human Security Baseline Assessment for Sudan and South Sudan (HSBA) project—discusses the causes for the deadlock surrounding this politically fractured territory, and the catastrophic effect conflict has on its civilians.
For more, check out:
- And Everything Became War': Warrap State since the Signing of the R-ARCSS—an in-depth report on current political and conflict dynamics in Warrap, including Twic county on Abyei's southern border.
- The Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) project page
- South Sudan outputs in our Resource Library
Other news from the Survey:
- New Situation Update on arms trafficking and risks of proliferation under the Taliban in Afghanistan
- Small Arms Survey Annual Report 2022
- New Situation Update on the Taliban's arms management practices in Afghanistan since 2021
- New Blog Post: Investigating The Links: Government Effectiveness And Unplanned Explosions At Munition Sites
- New Blog Post: Appraising National Approaches To Sanctions: The Arms Embargo Self-Assessment Tool