Building Capacity to Fulfil Zambia's ATT Reporting Obligations
The Small Arms Survey is the implementing partner for Zambia’s Building Capacity to Fulfil Zambia’s Reporting Obligations project, which is funded by the Arms Trade Treaty Voluntary Trust Fund (ATT VTF). Zambia’s ATT initial report was due on 17 August 2017 and its first annual report due by 31 May 2018. It has submitted neither an initial nor an annual report to the ATT Secretariat. Zambia therefore asked the Survey to help build capacity and provide technical knowledge to: (1) enable Zambia to submit its initial report on measures to implement the ATT; and (2) establish procedures to ensure the timely submission of annual reports on exports and imports of conventional arms in accordance with obligations contained in Article 13 of the ATT. The project provides technical training and shares lessons learned to build Zambia’s capacity to fulfil its reporting commitments under Article 13 of the ATT.
In order to achieve the first aim of the project, a workshop took place in Lusaka on 14–16 October 2019 to prepare an initial report on measures to implement the ATT. The workshop concluded with a draft initial report ready for review by government stakeholders and submission to the ATT Secretariat. The Survey supported the development of a 'lessons learned document' on the process for preparing the initial report, which was available during the February 2020 Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Sixth Conference of States Parties to the ATT (ATT CSP6). Zambia submitted an initial report on measures to implement the ATT to the ATT Secretariat in February 2020.
In order to achieve the second aim of the project, a workshop took place in Livingstone, Zambia, on 13–14 February 2020 to produce a 'national procedures document for the preparation of the Republic of Zambia’s ATT annual report'. A draft of this document was prepared during the workshop and subsequently adopted to enable the preparation of Zambia’s first ATT annual report in 2021. The Survey also supported the development and sharing of a 'lessons learned document' on the process for preparing the 'procedures document'.
This project is funded by the Arms Trade Treaty Voluntary Trust Fund (ATT VTF).