Exploring the Potential for a Diagnostic Tool to Enable Arms Export-Licensing Officers to Conduct Risk Assessments to Prevent Arms Transfers Contributing to VAW and GBV, in Accordance with ATT Article 7(4)
The Small Arms Survey conducted desk-based research and interviews with arms export control licensing officers in major arms exporting countries to explore the feasibility and parameters for an export-licensing risk assessment tool and indicators to assess the potential that an export of conventional arms, ammunition, or parts and components could be used to commit or facilitate serious acts of gender-based violence (GBV) or violence against women and children, in accordance with ATT Article 7(4).
In late 2020, the Survey shared with Swiss government stakeholders an unpublished background paper on 'Arms export risk assessments for gender-based violence and violence against women and children: How do States Parties implement Article 7(4) of the Arms trade Treaty'. The unpublished background paper seeks to map national practices for implementing Article 7(4) in major arms exporters and identify ways to close the 'expectations gap' between NGOs and states parties on this issue.
The project is made possible through the support of Switzerland.