Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in West Africa

The project aims to document the regional dimensions of trafficking in improvised explosive device (IED) components in the Sahel and West Africa in order to establish an evidence base for developing a regional response.

Funders: Germany and France

resource library

The project has undertaken research since March 2019 with the aim to generate baseline information on the diversion of controlled and dual use materials that are then trafficked and used to build IEDs in West Africa. Case study research has been undertaken in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, and Niger. The study will be published and disseminated in 2023. The project cooperates closely with national small arms commissions as well as relevant governmental, regional, international, and corporate entities. In doing so it seeks to stimulate discussion and support appropriate policy responses that will contribute to reducing the harm caused by IEDs in West Africa.


Interview with David Lochhead, filmed in December 2021.


For further information on the project, please contact:

 sas logoNicolas Florquin
Head of Data and Analytics