Pathway to a Regional C-IED Strategy in West Africa

Building on the Small Arms Survey’s research on the regional dimensions of trafficking in improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in West Africa, this project aims to support the ECOWAS Commission and its member states with the development of a comprehensive coordinated regional response to address the threat posed by IEDs and the proliferation of their components in West Africa.

Funder: Germany

With a view to informing the ECOWAS regional response, the project will seek to identify good practice, needs, and priorities pertaining to countering IEDs across the region. It will bring together relevant communities of practice with a perspective on this issue, such as humanitarian mine action (HMA), weapons and ammunition management (WAM) and physical security and stockpile management (PSSM), to identify linkages and complementarities.

The project will be composed of three workstreams:

  • At the regional level, the Survey will support the ECOWAS Commission to develop a C-IED strategy, as well as ECOWAS member states’ C-IED initiatives, while ensuring that they draw on each other. In this regard, specific attention will be given to exploring potential linkages between IEDs, HMA, WAM, and PSSM to enrich the process.
  • At the national level, the Survey will accompany national commissions and/or mine action centres from ECOWAS member states with the assessments of C-IED capability gaps and challenges. The project also aims to support the development of practical tools to design national C-IED strategies and action plans.
  • Finally, the Survey will produce timely, relevant, and high-quality evidence and research on threats posed by the proliferation of IEDs in West Africa, and possible approaches to address them.

Implementation period: May 2023–December 2024

For further information on the project, please contact:

 sas logoJulien Joly
Programme Manager