Estimating Global Law Enforcement Firearms Numbers
There are more than one billion firearms in the world, the vast majority of which are in civilian hands, according to 2018 research. The Small Arms Survey presents its findings on the number of firearms held by civilians, law enforcement agencies, and military forces in a series of three Briefing Papers.
The Survey estimates that of the one billion firearms in global circulation as of 2017, 857 million (85 per cent) are in civilian hands, 133 million (13 per cent) are in military arsenals, and 23 million (2 per cent) are owned by law enforcement agencies. The new studies suggest that the global stockpile has increased over the past decade, largely due to civilian holdings, which grew from 650 million in 2006 to 857 million in 2017.
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- To learn more, see our Global Firearms Holdings database
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