Non-lethal Firearm Violence (Research Note 32)
When a person is shot with a firearm, the result is not always fatal. Many victims of firearm violence survive, but suffer severe consequences, and their treatment and recovery place a heavy burden on these survivors, their families, communities, and on society.
Globally, firearm violence causes more non-lethal injuries than deaths. Yet our knowledge about non-lethal firearm injuries is limited and is hampered by a lack of data. A better understanding of the incidence and patterns of non-lethal firearm violence would help clarify the overall burden of armed violence on society, and assist in developing effective responses.
Non-Lethal Firearm Violence is a Research Note from the Small Arms Survey and the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development. It examines the impact of firearm assaults as well as that of self-inflicted and unintentional firearm injuries.
The Research Note explains how the type of firearm and ammunition influences the ‘survivability’ of firearm injuries; it reviews existing data sources; it presents available data on the incidence of non-fatal injuries; and it examines the direct and indirect costs of firearm injuries.
Also available in FRENCH
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