Road to RevCon4: The outcomes and the next steps
The Small Arms Survey podcast series 'Road to RevCon4' originally ran in the weeks prior to the Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons, held in June 2024 at UN Headquarters.
The purpose of the series was to inform delegations and other Programme of Action (PoA) stakeholders about key issues up for discussion at the Review Conference, and to provide insights from recent relevant empirical research and analysis conducted by the Small Arms Survey and its partners.
This episode brings the series to a close with the President of the Fourth Review Conference, Ambassador Maritza Chan, joining Small Arms Survey Director Mark Downes to reflect on the challenges, achievements, and surprises of the RevCon4, while putting the Conference into the broader perspective of the PoA process, both past and future.
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