Small Arms Survey Podcast #41: Measuring Illicit Arms Flows in the Context of Sustainable Development Goal 16 - An International Framework for Action
The third installment of the Small Arms Survey podcast series on illicit arms flows discusses Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16), target 16.4, and its associated indicator, 16.4.2.
Experts featured in this episode clarify the international framework for action in addressing the problem of illicit arms flows. In their interviews, they focus on the evolution in the formulation of indicator 16.4.2, meant to measure progress made in achieving target 16.4, namely the significant reduction of illicit arms flows by 2030. The analysis stresses the crucial role of weapons tracing in the estimation of illicit arms flows, underlines the importance of international arms control instruments in reaching target 16.4, and highlights the contributions different national and international actors can make to these efforts.
The experts interviewed are Glenn McDonald, Small Arms Survey senior researcher, Simonetta Grassi, Head of the Global Firearms Programme Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking Branch, Division for Treaty Affairs (DTA/OCB) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – UNODC, Angela Me, Chief Research and Trend Analysis Branch United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and Ivor Fung, Officer-in-Charge, Conventional Arms Branch United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs.
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