Staying Safe: Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM) during the COVID-19 Crisis
'The world is currently facing an unprecedented challenge in the form of COVID-19. The pandemic is affecting people’s lives across the globe, and predictions speak to the crisis continuing for a while yet.
The UN Secretary General has appealed for an immediate ceasefire in all corners of the globe so as to concentrate focus on countering the virus. A laudable effort, but though they may fall silent, the management of weapons and ammunition in the current climate has assumed even greater importance. As military personnel in many countries are tasked with pandemic response, confined to barracks, or, in some cases, falling victims to the pandemic, we may see a shortage in staff capacity — including that devoted to securing weapons and ammunition. This calls for due diligence, as lapses in safety checks and security arrangements have the potential to exacerbate an already fragile situation...'
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