Monitoring Illicit Arms Flows: The Role of UN Peacekeeping Operations

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The Briefing Paper from the Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) project examines the capacities of different actors to monitor illicit arms flows in the Sahel region. Monitoring illicit arms flows is critical to measuring states’ progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—especially Target 16.4, which calls for a significant reduction of illicit arms flows by 2030.

Le monitoring des armes au Sahel: les institutions forensiques nationales

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Le monitoring des armes au Sahel: les institutions forensiques nationales, une Note d'information du projet Évaluation de la sécurité en Afrique du Nord (SANA), analyse les capacités et les pratiques des institutions forensiques de trois États du Sahel francophone – la Mauritanie, le Niger et le Tchad – qui comptent, parmi leur personnel, des experts particulièrement compétents sur la question des armes à feu et des munitions à l’échelle locale.

Gaining Perspective: The UN Programme of Action’s Sixth Biennial Meeting

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The Sixth Biennial Meeting of States (BMS6) was the final meeting before the Third Review Conference of the UN Small Arms Programme of Action (PoA), scheduled for June 2018, and the first since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Taking account of the SDGs and other new developments, the main task for BMS6 was to prepare the ground for the Review Conference.

Monitoring UN Arms Embargoes: Observations from Panel of Experts (Occasional Paper 33)

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Experts charged with monitoring United Nations arms embargoes identify numerous organizational, operational, and political obstacles to their work, according to Monitoring UN Arms Embargoes: Observations from Panels of Experts, a new study released today by the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey.

A New Development Agenda: Bridging the Development–Security Divide (Research Note 58)

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In September 2015 UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (2000–15) with a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. While reaffirming core MDG aims, such as poverty reduction and the promotion of health care and education, these SDGs and targets tackle a much broader range of factors driving underdevelopment, and clearly connect development with peace, security, and arms control.