Nuba Hopes and Fears: Fuelling SPLA-North Mobilization in South Kordofan

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Situation Update: South Kordofan, Sudan

South Kordofan state is characterized by significant ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity with Nuban groups and Arab tribes. The ethnicization of the prolonged war in Sudan, however, has reopened divisions between groups and weakened traditional mechanisms for peace and conflict resolution, tearing the fragile social fabric that will not be easily repaired.

A Fractious Rebellion: Inside the SPLM-IO (HSBA Working Paper 39)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Against a background of continuing war and failed peace-making, this study attempts to get beyond the public face of the organization as represented by those at the peace talks and provide analysis and background of the many dimensions of the SPLM-IO. Specifically, it considers the formation of the SPLM-IO, identifies the organization’s mode of operation and key political and military actors, and reports on its conferences at Nasir and Pagak in formu-lating its direction and maintaining a fragile unity among the fractious rebels.

War Crimes and Punishment: The Terrain Compound Attack and Military Accountability in South Sudan, 2016–18

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

On 11 July 2016, government forces stormed Terrain, a residential compound in Juba, South Sudan. Systematic violence, looting, and vandalism ensued—including one fatality, multiple incidents of rape and torture, as well as destroyed property.

Spilling Over: Conflict Dynamics in and around Sudan's Blue Nile State, 2015–19

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

The conflict between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-North (SPLM/A-N) in Sudan’s Blue Nile state erupted in September 2011—extending from ongoing combat in South Kordofan, in Jibal El Nouba state. Fighting continued until mid-2016 when both parties declared unilateral cessations of hostilities.