Ammunition Tracing Kit: Protocols and procedures for recording small-calibre ammunition

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

The Ammunition Tracing Kit is designed to enable rapid, reliable, and responsible reporting of small-calibre ammunition in a variety of circumstances. It provides instructions for reporting on ammunition recovered at crime scenes and on cartridges collected during disarmament or weapons collection programmes; it also supplies guidelines for investigating parties to armed conflict or crime.

Precedent in the Making: The UN Meeting of Governmental Experts (Issue Brief 5)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Precedent in the Making: The UN Meeting of Governmental Experts, presents details of the discussions at the Open-ended Meeting of Governmental Experts (MGE) in May 2011. The meeting focused on the practical details of weapons marking, record-keeping, and tracing, specifically as dealt with in the International Tracing Instrument (ITI).

Weapons Tracing and Peace Support Operations: Theory or Practice? (Issue Brief 4)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Weapons Tracing and Peace Support Operations: Theory or Practice? (Issue Brief 4) examines the normative frameworks and practical mechanisms that could be used, specifically by Peace Support Operations (PSOs), to trace conflict weapons; and considers some of the reasons that have so far prevented PSOs from tracing weapons.

Also available in FRENCH.

The Method behind the Mark: A Review of Firearm Marking Technologies (Issue Brief 1)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The marking of small arms is a necessary component of record-keeping, linking a specific small arm to a unique record for that item. A robust record-keeping system provides the means to trace small arms and investigate the illicit trade, thus helping to limit the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons.