Forensic Forays: Using X-ray Technology to Analyse Modified and Converted Firearms

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'Europe and the UK along with it, have some of the strictest laws regarding the possession of firearms. However, this alone does not stop the use of firearms in crime; partly due to the prevalence of modified and converted firearms seen throughout the continent which are being used by criminals, from gang-related street violence to terror attacks...'

Modifiers: A Snapshot of Convertible Firearms in Europe

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'About half an hour before their shift was due to end, on 18 November 2005, Police Constable Sharon Beshenivsky and her colleague Police Constable Teresa Millburn responded to reports of an activated panic alarm at a travel agency in Bradford, West Yorkshire. As the two walked into the store, PC Beshenivsky was shot and killed at point-blank range.