Living with Lobong: Power, Gold, and the UPDF in Eastern Equatoria

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

Situation Update: Eastern Equatoria

Louis Lobong Lojore has been the governor of Eastern Equatoria since 2010. He has entrenched his control of the state by building an elite coalition across ethnic lines and disbursing revenues related to the state’s gold-mining sector. Yet, Lobong’s reign in Eastern Equatoria is built on shaky foundations.

Violent Legacies: Insecurity in Sudan’s Central and Eastern Equatoria (HSBA Working Paper 13)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Eastern and Central Equatoria States played distinctive roles in the two Suda-nese civil wars, the effects of which are still reverberating today. The current widespread insecurity, taking the form of tribal and resource-based conflict, armed group activity, and criminal violence, stems largely from shifting alli-ances, South–South conflict, and the politicization of armed groups during the second civil war and its aftermath.

Gauging Fear and Insecurity: Perspectives on Armed Violence in Eastern Equatoria and Turkana North (HSBA Working Paper 14)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

10 Small Arms Survey HSBA Working Paper 14Mc Evoy and Murray Gauging Fear and Insecurity11AbstractEastern Equatoria State in South Sudan and Turkana North District in neigh-bouring Kenya lie in one of the most conflict-prone regions in the East and Horn of Africa, where the use of firearms is endemic. The Small Arms Survey conducted a household survey in this region in mid-2007 to gather data on levels  of  firearm-related  victimization,  and  to  explore  actual  and  perceived security threats as well as attitudes towards disarmament.