The Periphery Cannot Hold: Upper Nile since the Signing of the R-ARCSS

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Upper Nile is in chaos. A once durable alliance between the national government in Juba and the Padang Dinka in Malakal has given way to a much more uncertain situation, in which the regime of South Sudanese President Salva Kiir sets feuding elites against each other. Disorder has proved an effective tool of rule.

GVD interactive visualization dashboard (Geneva Peace Week 2022)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Are we on track towards peace? This question is essential to planning, developing, and evaluating any peacebuilding project, but the answer is contingent on data availability. To this end, the Global Violent Deaths (GVD) database, developed and updated regularly by the Small Arms Survey since 2004, collects information on direct conflict deaths and intentional homicides, which is combined in a single violent deaths indicator.

HSBA Archive

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

The archive of the Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) for Sudan and South Sudan project is a set of pages centralizing older updates and versions of HSBA documents and publications from the former HSBA website. All documents in the archive include a time stamp with the respective date of publication and are listed in chronological order. The archive is divided into the following categories:

The Calm Before the Storm: Global Violent Deaths Update 2019–2020

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'Though difficult to fathom as war rages in Ukraine, the years preceding the Russian invasion actually saw a reduction in global lethal violence. According to the latest update of the Small Arms Survey's Global Violent Deaths (GVD) database, loss of life resulting from interpersonal violence decreased substantially between 2016 and 2020. This decline suggests that the world has been making progress towards Target 16.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), under which states committed to 'significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere' by 2030.

Out of Libya—Opening Safe Pathways for Vulnerable Migrants Stuck in Libya

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

On 6 July 2022, the Small Arms Survey’s Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) project hosted a public discussion on Libya, with two of its seasoned experts, Jérôme Tubiana and Jalel Harchaoui, who discussed the issue of migrants in Libya—the need for care, rehabilitation, and legal pathways out.

At Whose Risk? Understanding States Parties’ Implementation of Arms Trade Treaty Gender-based Violence Provisions

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is the first legally binding agreement linking international conventional arms transfers to gender-based violence (GBV), but there has been limited practical application of these specific provisions to date.

Nigeria: National Small Arms and Light Weapons Survey

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

This report documents the findings of the first ever national assessment of small arms prevalence and impacts in Nigeria. The National Small Arms and Light Weapons Survey (NSALWS), implemented in 2016 by Nigeria’s Presidential Committee on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PRESCOM), was conducted to better understand the prevalence, proliferation, perception, use and impacts of small arms in Nigeria. The Small Arms Survey supported PRESCOM on survey methodology and analysis, and with the provision of training on survey methods specific to small arms.

Quick facts on unplanned explosions at munitions sites (UEMS) - December 2021 update

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

636 incidents of Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites (UEMS) took place between 1979 and December 2021, resulting in 30,883 casualties (deaths and injuries), reveals the newest update of the Small Arms Survey UEMS database. The database tracks the frequency and destructive impact of UEMS incidents—defined as the accidental explosion of abandoned, damaged, improperly stored, or properly stored stockpiles of ammunition and explosives at munitions sites.