Open Markets: Documenting Arms Availability in Afghanistan under the Taliban

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

More than three years after the Taliban’s takeover and its seizure of the previous regime’s weapons stockpiles, the de facto authorities have taken steps to exert control over arms and ammunition in the hands of rank-and-file fighters, civilians, and private businesses. Yet despite the recent legal restrictions and their enforcement efforts, informal arms commerce and trafficking continue, and involves both older weapons as well as materiel likely sourced from the equipment that had been delivered to the former Afghan National Defence and Security Forces.

The Republic of Kadamol: A Portrait of the Rapid Support Forces at War

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

After almost two years of war, Sudan is in the grip of a humanitarian and political catastrophe. A conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continues to devastate the country. In recent months, the RSF has lost ground, and its efforts to create a government seem likely to come to naught. But what is the RSF, and what can learning about the paramilitary organization tell us about the future of Sudan?

Developing Gender-responsive National Action Plans on Small Arms

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

At the Fourth Review Conference of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons in 2024, member states expressed concern that the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons impedes the achievement of gender equality. This has long been understood by women’s civil society organizations, as well as several states that have both experienced and documented the gender-differentiated impacts of small arms and light weapons and their broader impacts on human rights.

Assessing Gender Responsiveness in the Implementation of Small Arms Control Action Plans

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

At the Fourth Review Conference of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons in 2024, member states expressed concern that the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons impedes the achievement of gender equality. This has long been understood by women’s civil society organizations, as well as several states that have both experienced and documented the gender-differentiated impacts of small arms and light weapons and their broader impacts on human rights.

Balancing Control and Awareness: Firearms and Safety in Ukraine

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

Situation Update: Ukraine

The Ukrainian population’s perception towards firearms is evolving. While civilian possession remains limited, the ongoing war since the Russian invasion increases the risk of illicit proliferation, potential misuse, and broader safety concerns. As of July 2024, 5% of surveyed households report possessing firearms—down from pre-invasion levels and the lowest since monitoring began. Of these firearm-owning households, 63% reported having (some of) their weapons recorded in the Unified Register of Weapons (URW), up from 46% in December 2023.

Understanding the 3D-printed Guns Movement: A Surprising Mix of Identities and the Risk of Gender-based Violence

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

'In the world of 3D-printed guns, one figure looms large: ‘JStark1809’. It is difficult to overstate his influence. He designed the FGC-9, one of the most popular 3D-printed guns in circulation. He also created Deterrence Dispensed, an influential network of gun designers. Since his death in 2021 he has been revered as a quasi-martyr for the right to bear arms, resulting in a cult-like following within the 3D-printed gun movement.'

Living with Lobong: Power, Gold, and the UPDF in Eastern Equatoria

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

Situation Update: Eastern Equatoria

Louis Lobong Lojore has been the governor of Eastern Equatoria since 2010. He has entrenched his control of the state by building an elite coalition across ethnic lines and disbursing revenues related to the state’s gold-mining sector. Yet, Lobong’s reign in Eastern Equatoria is built on shaky foundations.

Improving Point of Injury Trauma Care for IED Victims

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have become a key tool in asymmetric warfare, employed in the pursuit of many objectives, including destabilization of the state and governing authorities, exertion of control and influence, and creation of fear in a population. More than 80 per cent of civilian IED casualties occur in civilian spaces, and civilians are deliberately targeted, including vulnerable groups such as children.

Turkish Foreign Policy in Libya: Geopolitical Interests and Fragile Peace

Submitted by Katie Lazaro on

Libya’s troubled and divided political landscape, riddled with political uncertainty and the risk of violent escalation, renders the region one of the most volatile in the world and vulnerable to outside actors. Türkiye has been one of these actors, seeking influence through various interventions.