Who’s Fighting Haftar in Tripoli?

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'On my visit to Libya’s war-torn capital in mid-June, a Libyan friend I’ll call Mohamed* helped arrange a meeting with two commanders in the Mahjub Brigade — one of the largest armed groups of Misrata, a port city 200km east of the capital. Mohamed was a fighter in the brigade and went along to the meeting, at the group’s rear base near the frontline, not far from the Tripoli International Airport.

Women and Armed Struggle: Stories from Libya

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'Following the fall of Qaddafi, instability continues to persist in Libya. Numerous analyses have been published on the ever-changing dynamics on the ground (a few from the Small Arms Survey include papers on armed groups in Tripoli; struggles at Libya’s borders; and how neighbouring countries have manoeuvred the ongoing crisis), but few exist on the role that women played, and continue to play...'

Bullets and Borders: Transnational Armed Groups and Violence in the Sahara–Sahel Region

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'Many smugglers think of themselves as transporters, not criminals.[i] For, they argue, isn’t the smuggling of petrol, cigarettes and other goods across largely uncontrolled borders simply a way of making a living? And in terms of moving people, can people who smuggle migrants across borders be seen rather as service providers such as bus companies — as some suggest — rather than as smugglers?

Implementing SDG Target 16.4: Illicit Arms Flows, Diversion, and Corruption in Rio de Janeiro

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'On 14 March 2018, Rio de Janeiro city councilwoman Marielle Franco and her driver Anderson Gomes were shot dead in an execution-style killing. Franco was a well-known human rights advocate whose personal background reflected the groups she fought for: a black lesbian woman raised in poverty in one the city’s most notorious favelas (slums), Maré. Her assassination made news across the world and led to major local protests.

Urban Violence or Urban Peace: Why Are Some Cities Safer than Others?

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

'Cities continue to increase in importance, acting as magnets for migration, innovation, and economic concentration. In 2015, almost four billion people lived in cities, a number that’s expected to increase to five billion by 2030. The UN has noted that challenges for growing cities include growing slums, increased air pollution, and heightened risks of disasters for the population. But what about violence? City dwellers are often perceived as being at more risk of violence than those in rural areas, but this is not always the case...'

Syria's Armed Opposition: A Spotlight on the 'Moderates' (SANA Dispatch 5)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

More than four years after the start of the Syrian uprising, over a thousand armed groups are involved in fighting that has consumed the country. The groups range in size from small local units of a few hundred fighters to large movements with an international reach, and range along the political spectrum from secular groups to extremist groups with a transnational outlook.

Foreign Jihadism in Syria: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (SANA Dispatch 4)

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

A new online Dispatch, Foreign Jihadism in Syria: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, by the Survey's Security Assessment in North Africa (SANA) project, offers a snapshot of foreign fighters in Syria at the end of 2013. Focusing on the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the report examines the organization’s strengths, its weaknesses, and its operational impact.

Armed and Aimless: Armed Groups, Guns, and Human Security in the ECOWAS Region

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

Armed and Aimless: Armed Groups, Guns, and Human Security in the ECOWAS Region provides detailed information on more than 35 armed groups that have destabilized the 15 ECOWAS member states since 1998, and explores important related themes through 6 field-based case study chapters, including:

No Refuge: The Crisis of Refugee Militarization in Africa

Submitted by Lionel Kosirnik on

The militarization of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), especially in Africa, is causing growing alarm within the humanitarian and development communities. The planned and spontaneous arming of refugees and IDPs threatens access to asylum as well as protection. But while the policy debates rage over how to deal with armed refugees and how to prevent their spillover into neighbouring countries, surprisingly little research has been done to explain why displaced people arm themselves or how militarization affects the local and host populations.