Risky Business? Crime and Security Perceptions in the Nepali Private Sector (NAVA Issue Brief 3)
The volatile political situation in Nepal was the largest obstacle to business activities in 2012, according to the majority of businesses surveyed as part of a study by the Small Arms Survey’s Nepal Armed Violence Assessment (NAVA) project. Direct losses from crime are relatively small compared to the indirect costs of instability.
The findings of a survey of 160 businesses working in Nepal’s seven major industrial corridors are presented in a new Issue Brief from the Small Arms Survey and the Nepal Armed Violence Assessment, Risky Business? Crime and Security Perceptions in the Nepali Private Sector.
Risky Business explores the security perceptions and experiences of Nepali businesses from 2007 to 2012, and investigates major challenges to doing business, types and frequency of crime, actors and instruments of violence, losses experienced, and steps taken to prevent crime.
Since 2007, Nepal’s war-damaged economy has shown positive signs of growth and renewed investment. At the same time, the volatile political situation and persistent criminal activities continue to take their toll on the business sector. The Small Arms Survey and the Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS) undertook the study to generate knowledge about the challenges faced by the business community, and the extent to which crime affects business in the country’s key industrial areas.
The survey also found that businesses generally have a positive view of formal security measures, and appreciate police efforts to fight crime. Often businesses take additional measures to deter or prevent crime, such as employing security guards. A number of the businesses surveyed expressed an interest in public-private partnerships on security.
Risky Business will be useful to local businesses, chambers of commerce, and security providers in devising ways to address problems with crime and security.
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