In Search of Lasting Security: An Assessment of Armed Violence in Nepal (Special Report 20)
In the wake of a decade-long civil war that claimed more than 13,000 lives, Nepal’s uneasy peace has been plagued by uncertainties, tied to the volatile political environment, the gridlocks over the drafting of the new constitution, and the reported proliferation of criminal activities. This rapid succession of changes has raised new questions about the overall security situation in the country.
In response to this call for information, the Small Arms Survey has released a report, In Search of Lasting Security: An Assessment of Armed Violence in Nepal.
This study, conducted together with its Kathmandu-based partner, Interdisciplinary Analysts, presents original research based on a national household survey covering more than 3,000 respondents as well as focus group discussions and key informant interviews in Nepal’s Hill and Terai regions, as well as data collected from official, non-governmental, and international sources.
Since the end of the conflict Nepal has seen fluctuation in the incidence and severity of violence, with relative calm punctuated by bouts of violence in response to political events. While data shows several improvements in the security landscape, Nepal continues to be plagued by high volatility and uncertainty related to political and ethnic crises.
A brief overview of this study and its findings has also been published as a Research Note, titled At War’s End: Armed Violence in Nepal (also available in Nepali)
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