The Sudan Revolutionary Front: Its Formation and Development (HSBA Working Paper 33)
The Sudan Revolutionary Front: Its Formation and Development examines the SRF, its major military campaigns and core political beliefs, and the local and international consequences of the new rebel alliance. The paper is based on interviews with SRF leaders, NCP officials, diplomats, and security sources conducted in Juba, Kampala, Khartoum, and London in 2013. Follow-up interviews were conducted with key SRF personnel in early 2014, following the outbreak of widespread armed violence in South 6 Small Arms Survey HSBA Working Paper 33 Sudan in December 2013. Given its focus on the political and strategic developments, the paper does not attempt to provide a definitive picture of the SRF’s arsenal and source of weapons, although this aspect of the conflicts has been covered in recent HSBA publications (Gramizzi, 2013; Gramizzi and Tubiana, 2013; Leff and LeBrun, 2014).
Also available in ARABIC.
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