Taliban Arms Management Practices
Situation Update: Afghanistan
Almost two years after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the country faces multiple overlapping crises and growing humanitarian needs. The Taliban government has attempted to monitor and control small arms at the national level, however, much of the day-to-day running of affairs is left to the local officials both for political reasons and capacity issues.
'Taliban Arms Management Practices' —a new Situation Update from the Small Arms Survey and the Centre on Armed Groups—examines the extent to which the Taliban has been able to exert control over weapons in the country, including those left behind after the withdrawal of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces in August 2021. It reports findings of some of the first field research into the risks of arms proliferation in and from Afghanistan since the Taliban came to power in the country.
Read chapters online
Taliban national arms management policies and practices
Management of weapon stocks in bases and depots
Management of weapons in circulation
The concept of arms ‘ownership’
Subnational-level policies and practices
This Situation Update was funded by a grant from the German Federal Foreign Office. The opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those
of the German Federal Foreign Office.
Download the full report and its references via the below link
For more, check out:
Ad Hoc Arsenals: PSSM Practices of Selected Non-state Actors - an Issue brief that analyses the practices of three armed groups: the Misrata revolutionary brigades in Libya, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).
Internal Control: Codes of Conducts within Insurgent Armed Groups - an Occasional Paper that provides a methodical definition of what constitutes a code of conduct, and how it compares to other types of internal regulations known to have been used by armed groups.
Regulating Armed Groups from Within: A Typology - a Research Note that looks at how internal regulations offer a key to understanding the dynamics of armed groups—and to curtailing their abuses.