Women in State Security Provision in Nepal: Meaningful Participation?
Measures in Nepal have helped the country increase the number and scope of inclusion of women in its security sector; but female security providers continue to face challenges. Women in the police, army and armed police force tackle crime and insecurity in its various forms, but also serve as role models in their communities. A new analysis from the Small Arms Survey finds, however, that barriers to female participation remain, ranging from continuing demands in the home to persistent gender discrimination inside institutions and within society more broadly. More can be done by the institutions in question to become more gender-responsive and ensure that women’s participation in these structures is, indeed, meaningful.
The Briefing Paper Women in State Security Provision in Nepal: Meaningful Participation? assesses the progress of the Nepali government in including women in security provision, looks at the evolution of female participation in the formal security sector, and explores the motivations and deterrents involved for women considering joining.
Available in: ENGLISH
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